This page provides links for further exploration, and suggestions to guide your research. It complements the topic-specific resource links found throughout the website.
Music and Musicians
The Canadian Encyclopedia: This is a comprehensive resource, and your first stop for finding out about Canadian music and musicians. Disponsible en français
Canadian Music Centre: The CMC supports and promotes Canadian music. This is the best starting point for investigating the lives and works of Canadian composers. Disponsible en français
Canada Council for the Arts: The Canada Council is a crown corporation supporting arts development. Its website provides a great starting point of investigating Canadian music and other arts. Disponsible en français
All Music: All Music provides comprehensive resources about music and musicians from all genres.
United States Army Field Band: Instructional videos for every band instrument.
Victoria and Albert Museum (Britain): Resources about musical instruments and their history.
Wikipedia: List of musical instruments with links to articles.
Music in a Lifetime YouTube Playlists: Include tips from the pros and great performances.
Notable Ensembles: Local and Beyond
Wellington Wind Symphony Music Links: Large and small ensembles from southern Ontario and beyond.
Music Associations & Community Resources
Canadian Band Association
Coalition for Music Education
The Research Process
Recommended Online Sources Available Through Many Libraries
Oxford Music Online: Includes access to the most comprehensive resources about music, including Grove Music Online, Oxford Companion to Music, Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, and more.
Naxos Music Library: Comprehensive library of streamed music. This is where you’ll find recordings! Also includes research resources about music and music performance.